
Department Details

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  • Anaesthesia


Mission Statement:

At the Department of Anaesthesiology, we strive to achieve excellence in patient care, academics and research by

  • Providing evidence based Peri-Operative Anaesthesia care and highest standard of Intensive Care.
  • Maintaining a good doctor-patient relationship with special emphasis on ethical values, humane concerns and professionalism
  • Meeting highest academic standards in postgraduate education
  • Promoting a research culture

Services Offered:

  •  Pre-anesthesia clinic. All the patients planned to undergo surgery visit PAC. Here patients are thoroughly evaluated and risk is stratified. Patients are optimized prior to surgery. The aim is to provide safe anesthesia for all the patients varying from ASA-I to ASA-IV class. Referral rate of department is negligible.

  • Anesthesia care The department is fully equipped to provide perioperative services to various surgical departments including eye, ENT, general surgery, urology, maxillofacial, orthopedic and gynecology/obs. Department also provides services to radiology and gastroenterology departments. We have highly trained staff to manage difficult airways, poly trauma, morbidly obese patients and patients with multiple comorbidities. Safe delivery of anesthesia is ensured at each and every step of perioperative management. The OR staff is ready to deal with any emergency or untoward event during surgery. The department has a well-equipped and state of the art backup of ICU to manage critical patients in postop period. Postoperative pain and other events are managed in recovery room with an efficient team and continuous monitoring. Safety of patient is the aim of department which is not compromised at any step.

  • Monitored anesthesia care. MAC is provided to patients undergoing minor surgical procedures. MAC is also offered for patients with critical illness in a condition where surgery is unavoidable.

  • 24/7 emergency services. Anesthesia department is always ready to provide emergency services anywhere within the hospital round the clock. Patient ranging from ASA-I to ASA-IV are managed.

  • Critical care Mechanical ventilation is offered to compromised patients. Staff is well trained for management of these patients. Excellent nursing care is provided to patients. Our ICU comprises of 6 fully equipped beds and trained staff to serve the patients.

  • Services outside the OR. The dedicated team provide services outside the OR as well. Procedures in radiology department like RFA, TACE and microwave ablation for tumors are facilitated by the department. Imaging like CT scan and MRI of very sick and non-cooperative patients are also carried out under anesthesia. The radiology department is provided with MRI compatible anesthesia work station as well as monitoring. The main objective is again the safety of patient.

  • Research and post graduate training. The department is recognized by CPSP for fellowship program. We welcome young energetic doctors who want to pursue anesthesia and critical care as their career. Various research projects are being carried out in the department as well. There is continuous effort for betterment of department.


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