
Department Details



The Department of Medicine is located on ground floor in Zainab Block of Madinah Teaching Hospital. It comprises 110 beds having CCU, high dependency unit and emergency ward facilities. All types of medical patients are admitted through emergency and OPD on daily basis. All OPD clinics are run under supervision of the consultants.

The Medicine department is running daily Medical OPD, twice a week Rheumatology, Gastroenterology and Nephrology clinics per week and taking referrals from all other departments of the hospital. In order to improve clinical care of the patients, intra departmental training programs are run for Post graduate trainees, house officers and paramedical staff. Furthermore, monthly mortality meeting is also held for improvement in our services. CPC (Clinico Pathological Conference) is run by department of Medicine once a month regularly. CPC provide a platform for doctors to present and discuss cases from different specialties.       


The Mission of our department is to empower our patients, their families and the community through a better understanding of the health complications they may face and hope, that a major academic medical center can offer.The Department of Medicine aims to educate the next generation of leaders in Medicine, Clinical and Health Sciences.

Services offered

  • OPD clinic
  • ER services
  • Undergraduate teaching (MBBS,BDS)
  • Postgraduate training (FCPS)


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